Book Available from Sustasis Press!
Jacobs, Christopher Alexander, and the Roots of the New Urban
"I can’t think of anyone better to write this important book than
Michael Mehaffy."
— Fred Kent, President, Project for Public Spaces
“A major work... gives a very
deep and readable account of city structure.”
— Nikos Salingaros, mathematician and
urban theorist
“I find his voice as a writer
fascinating and compelling.”
— Christopher Alexander, architect and author
"Lively and easy to read... the final
chapters really shine."
— Setha Low, Director, Public Space Research Group, The Graduate Center
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me to request a PDF reviewer copy - michael.mehaffy at the Gmail domain.
Book Description:
Cities are experiencing a renaissance today, because we’ve begun to
understand how they really work — and what they need to work better for
human beings. This is the story of two revealing figures in the history
of that renaissance: the urban economist Jane Jacobs, and the architect
Christopher Alexander. Their key insights have shaped several
generations of scholars, professionals, and activists.
However, as the book argues, this renaissance is still immature, and
more must be done to achieve its promise — especially in an age of
rapid, often sprawling urbanization. In response, in December 2016, all
193 member states of the United Nations adopted by consensus the “New
Urban Agenda,” a historic document emphasizing the pivotal role of
cities and towns in meeting the challenges of the future. As this book
documents, Jacobs and Alexander played key roles in formulating the
conceptual insights behind the New Urban Agenda — and they continue to
offer us crucial implementation lessons for the years ahead.